Results for 'Gian Aristide Norelli'

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  1. Codice deontologico e deontologia medica.Gian Aristide Norelli - 1980 - Milano: A. Giuffrè. Edited by Giuseppe Dell'Osso.
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    Ethical implications of Italian legislation on ‘epilepsy and driving’: Table 1.Vilma Pinchi, Gian-Aristide Norelli & Viola Bartolini - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (8):552-557.
    The laws concerning driving licences and epilepsy in different countries are very diverse with regard to the criteria for issuance or renewal of licences, and also the methods of evaluating fitness. In 2011, a law was issued in Italy implementing the European directives on driving licences, including provisions for mandatory notification that a driver is epileptic. This was established regardless of the European rules that require compulsory notification only of patients. The Federation of Italian Boards of Physicians has made recommendations (...)
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    Integrative Processing of Touch and Affect in Social Perception: An fMRI Study.Sjoerd J. H. Ebisch, Anatolia Salone, Giovanni Martinotti, Leonardo Carlucci, Dante Mantini, Mauro G. Perrucci, Aristide Saggino, Gian Luca Romani, Massimo Di Giannantonio, Georg Northoff & Vittorio Gallese - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Realism and Quantum Physics.Evandro Agazzi - 1997 - Rodopi.
    Contents: Evandro AGAZZI: Introduction. Part One: PHILOSOPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS. Paul HORWICH: Realism and Truth. Evandro AGAZZI: On the Criteria for Establishing the Ontological Status of Different Entities. Aristides BALTAS; Con-straints and Resistance: Stating a Case for Negative Realism. Michel PATY: Predicate of Existence and Predictability for a Theoretical Object in Physics. Part Two: OBSERVABILITY AND HIDDEN ENTITIES. François BONSACK: Atoms: Lessons of a History. Alberto CORDERO: Arguing for Hidden Realities. Bernard d'ESPAGNAT: On the Difficulties that Attributing Existence to «Hidden» Quantities May (...)
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    Moments of Madness.Aristide R. Zolberg - 1972 - Politics and Society 2 (2):183-207.
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    Indiscrete Thoughts.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1997 - Birkhauser.
    Offers a glimpse into the world of science and technology between 1950 and 1990 as seen through the eyes of a mathematician, and debunks various myths of scientific philosophy. Portrays some of the great scientific personalities of the period, including Stanislav Ulam, who patented the hydrogen bomb, and Jack Schwartz, one of the founders of computer science. Also discusses phenomenology of mathematics, and philosophy and computer science. Includes book reviews. For students and academics. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, (...)
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    Reading Aristotle’s Ethics. Virtue, Rhetoric, and Political Philosophy.Aristide Tessitore - 1996 - State University of New York Press.
    Presents the Nicomachean Ethics as a work of political philosophy, emphasizing the interplay between its practical political concerns and its underlying philosophic perspective and arguing that it is rhetorical in the precise Aristotelian meaning of the term.
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    Psychometric Properties of the Italian Version of the Young Schema Questionnaire L-3: Preliminary Results.Aristide Saggino, Michela Balsamo, Leonardo Carlucci, Veronica Cavalletti, Maria R. Sergi, Giorgio da Fermo, Davide Dèttore, Nicola Marsigli, Irene Petruccelli, Susanna Pizzo & Marco Tommasi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  9. Musique et science. Semiotique de l* intercommunication creative: Musique et peinture, mathematique et cosmologie en synthese." Perpetuum mobile.Gian Franco Arlandi - 1997 - In Music and sciences. Bochum: N. Brockmeyer. pp. 331.
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  10. Note al testo dei poeti eolici.Aristide Colonna - 1955 - Paideia 10:307.
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  11. Politika i Politii Aristoteli︠a︡.Aristid Ivanovich Dovatur - 1965 - Leningrad,: Nauka [Leningradskoe otd-nie].
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  12. Un parcours de la musique: de ses bienfaits à ses maux.Aristide Frascarolo - 2003 - Le Lieu: A. Frascarolo.
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    Marsilio Ficino e il ritorno di Platone: studi e documenti.Gian Carlo Garfagnini (ed.) - 1986 - Firenze: Olschki.
  14. Platone'teologo'e politico: Il sogno di uno stato «divino».Gian Carlo Garfagnini - 2002 - Rinascimento 42:3-30.
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  15. Eisagōgē eis tēn nomikēn epistēmēn.Gianēs Kōnstantinou Kordatos - 1977
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  16. Leone X e l'Accademia Sacra Fiorentina-La reazione contro il neopaganismo umanistico.Aristide Lesen - 1939 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 3:232-246.
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    Per una poetica del simbolismo.Gian Pietro Lucini & Glauco Viazzi - 1971 - Napoli,: Guida. Edited by Glauco Viazzi.
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  18. Ricordando Federico Zeri.Gian Lorenzo Mellini - 1999 - Filosofia 50 (1-2):215-233.
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    Métaphysique pour un nouvel existentialisme.Aristide Nerrière - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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  20. Que pouvons-nous reconstituer du Syntagma contre les héresis de Justin?: un exemple.Enrico Norelli - 2007 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (2):167-181.
    Cet article s�insère dans une recherche en cours sur l�ouvrage perdu de Justin Martyr contre Marcion et toutes les hérésies. Des remarques sur les �uvres conservées de Justin (Apologies, Dialogue avec Tryphon) et des comparaisons avec d�autres auteurs qui ont écrit contre les hérésies peu après lui, en premier lieu Irénée de Lyon et Tertullien, permettent d�identifier des sections de texte qui semblent bien remonter au Syntagma de Justin. En particulier, le présent article dégage une ligne argumentative qui, en réfutant (...)
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  21. Lo stile di Wittgenstein.Gian Paolo Terravecchia - 1995 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 24 (1):101-124.
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    The Roots of American Refugee Policy.Aristide Zolberg - 1988 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 55.
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    The Phenomenology of Mathematical Proof.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1997 - Synthese 111 (2):183-196.
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    Ideological "Assumptions" in Physics: Social Determinations of Internal Structures.Aristides Baltas - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:130 - 151.
    The paper attempts to walk some first steps toward a unified and empirically oriented theory of both the structure and the history of physics. Physics is considered a structured whole made up of three interconstitutive elements (conceptual system, object, experimental procedures). This conceptual system is always already interpreted while it is this interpretation which ties the system to our overall experience thereby making it understood. It is argued that our experience is always ideologically (and thence socially) determined and that this (...)
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  25. The phenomenology of mathematical beauty.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1997 - Synthese 111 (2):171-182.
    It has been observed that whereas painters and musicians are likely to be embarrassed by references to the beauty in their work, mathematicians instead like to engage in discussions of the beauty of mathematics. Professional artists are more likely to stress the technical rather than the aesthetic aspects of their work. Mathematicians, instead, are fond of passing judgment on the beauty of their favored pieces of mathematics. Even a cursory observation shows that the characteristics of mathematical beauty are at variance (...)
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  26. Phenomenologie discrete. Ecrits sur les mathematiques, la science et le langage.Gian Carlo Rota & Fr Patras - 2008 - Archives de Philosophie 71 (1):135.
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  27. The pernicious influence of mathematics upon philosophy.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1991 - Synthese 88 (2):165 - 178.
    We shall argue that the attempt carried out by certain philosophers in this century to parrot the language, the method, and the results of mathematics has harmed philosophy. Such an attempt results from a misunderstanding of both mathematics and philosophy, and has harmed both subjects.
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    Informazione come struttura: una critica dello scientismo.Gian Luigi Brena - 2016 - Padova: Facoltà teologica del Triveneto.
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  29. Per una edizione di Teocrito.Aristide Colonna - 1947 - Paideia 2:224-28.
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    Editorial: Presenteeism in the Aftermath of COVID-19: New Trends and Contributions Regarding Sickness Presence at Work.Aristides I. Ferreira, Merce Mach, Luis F. Martinez & Mariella Miraglia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  31. Schelling e l'esistenzialismo. Lo schelling "pensatore posthegeliano e postheideggeriano" di Pareyson.Gian Franco Frigo - 1979 - Filosofia Oggi 2 (4):469-489.
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    Form of life: Agamben and the destitution of rules.Gian-Giacomo Fusco - 2023 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    The notion of form-of-life refers to a living dimension that has overthrown the structures of power in which humans are supposedly destined to live, disclosing the possibility of a new understanding of political and legal life. By placing the 'form-of-life' in the context of contemporary philosophy, this book re-imagines anew some of the basic categories of human socialities - such as work, rights, obligation, property, and use. It explores the ways in which Agamben's philosophy might be helpful in developing political (...)
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  33. Legal subjectivity and abstraction : tracing the past of the Legal Form.Gian-Giacomo Fusco - 2025 - In Gian-Giacomo Fusco, Przemysław Tacik & Cosmin Sebastian Cercel (eds.), Legal form: Pashukanis and the Marxist critique of law. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Locus sui: religioni di luogo.Gian Antonio Gilli - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  35. The Ecoie Libre at.Aristide Rz I. Lberg & of Agnes Callamard - 1998 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 65 (1It).
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  36. Introduzione semantica alla logica matematica.Gian Carlo Meloni - 1975 - Milano: ISEDI.
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    Studies in Foundations and Combinatorics.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1978
  38. Alexis de Tocqueville on science, statesmanship and political philosophy.Aristide Tessitore - 2015 - In Kyriakos N. Dēmētriou & Antis Loizides (eds.), Scientific statesmanship, governance and the history of political philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  39. La trattazione dell'argomento ontologico nel carteggio Leibniz-Jaquelot (1702-1704).Gian Michele Tortolone - 1990 - Filosofia 41 (1):89-101.
  40. La seconda Orazione inaugurale.Gian Galeazzo Visconti - 1976 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 6:5-40.
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  41. Vico. I'corsi'e'ricorsi'. La Provvidenza istorica e umana.Gian Galeazzo Visconti - 2007 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 37:105-112.
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    Coleridge and German idealism.Gian Napoleone Giordano Orsini - 1969 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
    Professor Orsini’s book enters the controversy that has marked the changing response to Coleridge’s work during the past forty years, stimulated recently by the accessibility of Coleridge manuscripts and by the publication of hitherto unpublished works. Professor Orsini himself contributes to our new knowl­edge by publishing here for the first time texts from the note­books. His book is of importance and interest because it examines problems which are rooted in world-wide intellectual developments of recent times. Counterposing his argument against the (...)
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    Cognitive gadgets and cognitive priors.Gian Domenico Iannetti & Giorgio Vallortigara - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Some of the foundations of Heyes’ radical reasoning seem to be based on a fractional selection of available evidence. Using an ethological perspective, we argue against Heyes’ rapid dismissal of innate cognitive instincts. Heyes’ use of fMRI studies of literacy to claim that culture assembles pieces of mental technology seems an example of incorrect reverse inferences and overlap theories pervasive in cognitive neuroscience.
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    Uno stile per l’Eneide.Gian Biagio Conte - 2022 - Hermes 150 (3):351.
    In the Aeneid, Virgil sets out to achieve a new sublime style, paradoxically steeped in the common parlance. He aims for the spontaneity of everyday language to win readers’ involvement, while elaborating a discourse both expressively taut and stylistically marked, that avoids a register too colloquial or prosaic. Above all, he tirelessly deploys an array of subtle strategies – below the threshold of perception – that defamiliarize language in order to elevate its style. The present paper furnishes a selection of (...)
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    Realism and quantum mechanics.Gian Carlo Ghirardi - 1997 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 55:216-233.
  46. The Number of Partitions of a Set.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1964 - The American Mathematical Monthly 71 (5):498–504.
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  47. Fundierung as a Logical Concept.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1989 - The Monist 72 (1):70-77.
    Husserl’s Third Logical Investigation, ostensibly dealing with the phenomenology of whole and parts, is actually meant to introduce the notion of Fundierung. This term is frequently used in the phenomenological literature, although little has been written about Fundierung itself since Husserl introduced it. Husserl himself, although he used it extensively, never again felt the need to reopen the discussion.
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    Broken hearts and broken bones: contrasting mechanisms of social and physical pain.Gian Domenico Iannetti, Tim V. Salomons, Massieh Moayedi, André Mouraux & Karen D. Davis - forthcoming - Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
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    Backwards Forwards Induction.Gian Aldo Antonelli & Cristina Bicchieri - unknown
    Gian Aldo Antonelli and Cristina Bicchieri. Backwards Forwards Induction.
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    Introductory remarks on “apologists” and “apologies”.Tertullian Quadratus Aristides - 2009 - In Dwight Jeffrey Bingham (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. Routledge.
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